Saturday, February 28, 2009

Finally set up the new trampoline - thought spring was here - now it's covered in snow....

Jonah on the tramp

Luke in the front yard ... on the fence

Luke in the front yard Maple Tree

Luke on the playground at his new school

Michael on the fire pole =)

Luke with his basketball ~ side yard at home

Luke and his Maple Tree again

Luke on the Playground

Luke in the front yard

Luke in the front yard on the tire swing

Luke on the swing set at School

Luke @ School

Luke @ Home, He was a Wood Pecker ....

Mike @ School

Mike at home on his tire swing

Mike @ School on the Monkey Bars

Mike Tire Swing Home

Mike and His Jeep

Mike and His Jeep and Mike and his Zoomer

Michael on the swings at School

Luke and Mike Playing at home and at school

Mike @ School

Mike in the backyard

Luke Monkey Bars

Luke Back yard

Michael at School

Feb 19th 09 - An Afternoon without Coats! - Of course now, here we are the last day of Feb with half a foot of snow on the ground! =)

Tricky Michael

Mike ~ his tongue helps him steer!

Mike @ School

Luke Sings his ABCs

Michael singing Slippery Fish

Mike & Luke Painting in their PJs



Diamond & Mike

Luke and his ABCs again...

Some Pics from Sunrise Lake on Valentine's Day - 4x4 Trip

Luke Playing in the snow on our lunch break =)

Jumpin' Tire Tracks....

Luke Sliding @ Sunrise

My Silly Valentines =)

Michael enjoying his Valentines

Luke after Valentine's Day party

Mike & his Treats

Off to Party at Preschool

Valentines from Gramma ~ I think Diamond was sad she didn't get one too